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Grevillea ‘Waverley Ghost’
15 July 2024
Starting from the top left:
Correa ‘Lucy’
We have planted seven of these hardy shrubs, 2022-23, 1m high and wide, with many pink curved bell flowers over a long period. These plants prefer part shade to full sun.
Epacris reclinata
We planted this shrub, 0.6-1m high x 0.5m wide, with small prickly leaves and pink to red bell flowers, in a pot, in August 2019. This plant is native to the Blue Mountains, NSW. Magnificent all over flowering in May 2022.
Eremophila oldfieldii ssp. angustifolia x E. oppositifolia ‘Piccaninny Dawn’
We have planted three of these compact shrubs, 3m high x 3m wide, with dark grey leaves and rose pink flowers, in 2011, 2018 and 2020. This plant will grow in a variety of soils, is drought tolerant and is somewhat tolerant of frost. Our first plant died after -6 deg. C. frost in June 2012. We have placed the other two under more overhead protection and they are flowering well.
Grevillea lanigera ‘Celia’
We planted three of these low hardy shrubs, 45cm high x 1m wide, with pink and white flowers, in 2018. This plant needs full sun and is frost hardy, and the flowers attract birds. This plant is a cultivar of Grevillea lanigera called ‘Celia’ which we planted in October 2017, February 2018 and April 2018. This low hardy shrub, 45cm high x 1m wide has pink and white flowers in winter and spring.
Grevillea ‘Woolly Bear Hero’
Grevillea ‘Woolly Bear Hero’ is a selection of G. lanigera, a low plant about 1m wide, with attractive grey-green foliage and dark pink flowers over a long period. We have planted five of them over a five year period, 2010-15, in various parts of the garden and they perform well.
Templetonia retusa (prostrate form) – Cockies Tongues
We planted one of these spreading shrubs, 1m high x 2m wide, with rounded green leaves and large red pea flowers, in October 2010. These plants do well with sharp drainage, full sun to semi-shade, and the addition of some lime. Ben made three cuttings and these were planted in September 2015. This plant is native to coastal limestone strip of SA and WA, also Flinders Ranges, SA. These are the slowest plants to grow in the garden.
31 July 2023
Starting from the top left:
Acacia covenyi – Blue Bush or Bluebush
We have planted nine of these vigorous small trees, height 5-6 m, with bluish-grey foliage and bright yellow ball lowers, from 2004-2015. This species is from Deua National Park (NSW) and is listed as rare. Several of these plants have been blown over in windstorms, but four survive.
Androcalva loxophylla (Rulingia kempeana)
We have planted five of these erect shrubs, 1.5m high x 1.5m wide, with small hairy green leaves with toothed margins and bright yellow flowers at the base of leaves, over the period 2015-18. This plant is native to WA, SA, NT and Queensland.
Correa alba ‘St. Andrews White’
We have planted twelve of these vigorous shrubs, 0.5m x 0.8m. with shiny healthy foliage and white flowers. The recommendation was for a partly shaded site, but our plants are happy in full sun and frost.
Eremophila glandulifera ‘Lipstick Pink’ - grafted
We planted this upright shrub with attractive grey foliage and lolly pink flowers in a pot in December 2019. This plant is from central WA, blooms almost all year and grows to a height of 1.5m.
Grevillea lanigera lutea
We have planted four Grevillea lanigera lutea, or Woolly Grevillea, which form small shrubs in the garden, about 1m high. The best feature of this plant is its long flowering period. The yellow drooping racemes of flower are very cheerful and contrast nicely with the pale green foliage. This plant is a reliable performer in the garden and is native to southeastern New South Wales and the ACT.
Grevillea ‘Poorinda Constance’
Grevillea ‘Poorinda Constance’ has dark green elliptical leaves and orange red flowers. We have planted two of these on the hill in December 2019.
17 July 2023
Starting from the top left:
Acacia boormanii
We planted 35 of these graceful, rounded shrubs, 2-3 m high and wide, with smooth silvery stems and narrow grey phyllodes, from 2003-7. This plant bears profuse golden ball-shaped flowers in the spring. Small thickets of these suckering wattles provide nesting sites for smaller birds. This plant is native to the Snowy River area of southeastern Australia.
Banksia spinulosa – Hairpin Banksia
We planted this slow-growing shrub, height 4m x width 2m, with gold and black brushes which are highly attractive to honeyeaters, in December 2003. This plant is native to the three eastern states of mainland Australia, extending along the coast from Victoria to Cairns.
Epacris reclinata
We planted this shrub, 0.6-1m high x 0.5m wide, with small prickly leaves and pink to red bell flowers in August 2019. This plant is native to the Blue Mountains, NSW. Magnificent all over flowering in May 2022 and 2023.
Eremophila arbuscula
Name means small tree. We planted this tree, to 11m high, with narrow silver-grey drooping leaves and sweetly scented, creamy yellow flowers with yellow or orange spots, in March 2014. This tree is native to southern Queensland where it grows on stony or loamy soils in full sun.. A magnificent plant with gnarled appearance even at an early age.
Grevillea ‘Crimson Villea’
We planted five of these compact grevilleas with masses of showy crimson winter flowers, 80cm x 80cm, the first in February 2020, then others in 2021-22. This cultivar of G. rosmarinifolia had its first flowers for us in September 2020.
Grevillea pimelioides
We planted this erect shrub, 2.5m high, with red tipped, hard yellow flowers in a pot in September 2010. This plant is native to the Helena and Canning River regions southeast of Perth, WA. We transplanted our specimen to a large pot in February 2012 and cut it back quite severely. Our original plant died in December 2016 and we planted another in July 2020.
3 July 2023
Starting from the top left:
Acacia baileyana purpurea – Purple Cootamundra Wattle
We planted this wattle, 5-8m high and wide, with fern like foliage with a distinctive bright purple tint and gold ball blossoms, in August 2014. This plant grows best in full sun and develops decorative purple seed pods.
Banksia spinulosa ‘Honey Pots’
We have planted ten of these shrubs, 0.5m high x 0.5m wide, with nectar rich flowers from late summer through to spring. Our original shrub, planted in April 2006, has grown to 1.5m high and wide, much larger than advertised on the label.
Correa ‘Lemon Twist’
We have planted seven of these hybrid shrubs from 2015-21, C. reflexa var. nummularia x C. alba, 20cm high by 1m wide, which first occurred in the gardens of Native Plant Wholesalers in Mount Gambier. This plant has attractive shiny foliage and many well displayed lemon flowers over a long period.
Correa sp. hybrid (lemon)
We planted five of these prostrate shrubs, 0.2-0.5m high x 0.5- 1m wide, with dark green leaves and short, wide, creamy lemon flowers in October 2018. We have three remaining as two died in the heat of January 2020.
Eremophila foliosissima - grafted
We planted this dense shrub, 0.75m high x 1.5m wide, with evergreen leaves and purple flowers in October 2019. Prefers full sun with good air movement and is frost tolerant. . The name means many leaved and the plant is native to central WA.
Grevillea ‘Emma Charlotte’
We planted this hybrid grevillea, 0.5m high x 1m wide, a cross between G. rosmarinifolia and G. lanigera, in June 2008 The flowers are deep pink and attractive to birds.
25 July 2022
Starting from the top left:
Acacia ‘Bilby Blue’
We planted one of these shrubs, 3m x 3m, with grey green foliage and bright yellow ball flowers in April 2017.
Acacia longiphyllodinea – Long Leaf Rock Wattle
We planted this shrub, 1.5-2.5m high x 1.5-2m wide, with dark green narrow foliage and yellow rod flowers in September 2013. This plant is native to southwestern WA, south of Geraldton. One half of the plant was eaten off by kangaroos December 2019, then hail knocked off the new growth January 2020. Our plant was cut in half January 2021.
Acacia siculiformis
We planted this stiff shrub, 1-2m high x 1-2m wide, with narrow pointed foliage and globular yellow flowers, in March 2014. This prickly plant is a useful refuge for small birds. This plant is native to southeastern Australia, including Tasmania.
Correa ‘Candy Pink’
Grevillea ‘Emma Charlotte’
We planted this hybrid grevillea, 0.5m high x 1m wide, a cross between G. rosmarinifolia and G. lanigera, in June 2008 The flowers are deep pink and attractive to birds.
Kunzea baxteri – Crimson or Scarlet Kunzea
We planted four of these spreading, many stemmed shrubs, 1-2m high, with narrow oblong leaves and deep red brush flowers, in 2014. These plants are spectacular in flower and are native to southwestern WA.
18 July 2022
Starting from the top left:
Correa ‘Lemon Twist’
We have planted seven of these hybrid shrubs from 2015-21, C. reflexa var. nummularia x C. alba, 20cm high by 1m wide, which first occurred in the gardens of Native Plant Wholesalers in Mount Gambier. This plant has attractive shiny foliage and many well displayed lemon flowers over a long period.
Correa ‘Snowbelle’
We planted this spreading shrub, 1m high x 1.5m wide, with dainty white flowers over a long period, in April 2020.
Eremophila maculata ‘Meredith’
We planted this shrub, 1m high and wide, with dark pink flowers, in February 2019.
Grevillea ‘Crimson Villea’
We planted this compact grevillea with masses of showy crimson winter flowers, 80cm x 80cm, in February 2020. This cultivar of G. rosmarinifolia had its first flowers in September 2020.
Grevillea lanigera ‘Celia’
We planted three of these low hardy shrubs, 45cm high x 1m wide, with pink and white flowers, in 2018.. This plant needs full sun and is frost hardy, and the flowers attract birds.
Grevillea lanigera lutea
We have planted four Grevillea lanigera lutea, or Woolly Grevillea, which form small shrubs in the garden, about 1m high. The best feature of this plant is its long flowering period. The yellow drooping racemes of flower are very cheerful and contrast nicely with the pale green foliage. This plant is a reliable performer in the garden. In the wild it occurs in southeastern New South Wales and the ACT. We also have a cultivar of Grevillea lanigera called ‘Celia’ which we planted in October 2017, February 2018 and April 2018. This low hardy shrub, 45cm high x 1m wide has pink and white flowers in winter and spring.
11 July 2022
Starting from the top left:
Grevillea ‘Carol Ann’
We have planted three Grevillea ‘Carol Ann’, a decumbent, hardy plant, 2 m wide, with dense dark green foliage and red spider flowers, the first in 2013, then two more in 2016. We have grown one drooping most effectively over a wall. These plants bloom generously for a very long period. This plant is a favourite for bees and a non-stop performer for us.
Grevillea ‘Crackles’
We planted this small shrub, 1m x 1m, with a prolific display of red and yellow flowers in October 2019. This plant is a bee and bird attractor, needs full sun and is frost tolerant.
Grevillea ‘Sid Reynolds’
Grevillea ‘Sid Reynolds’ , planted in September 2014, has already grown to a dense rounded shrub 2.5m high and wide with lovely spider flowers of red and pink with a yellow limb. We saw a shrub of ‘Sid’ in South Australia at P Botanic Gardens which was much larger, probably 4m x 4m, in full flower, a magnificent sight.
Hakea coriacea - Pink Spike Hakea
We have planted four Hakea coriacea, or Pink Spike Hakea, the first three in the garden, all of which met a sticky end. Two of them were blown over in the wind. They were rotted out at the base as our garden is a bit too wet for them. This shrub, 2-4m high and 2-3m wide, with grey-green leathery leaves and pink spikes of flower, comes from the Kalgoorlie area of WA. We planted one in a pot in November 2013 then moved it into the garden in December 2016. This plant is now 3m high and has bloomed sparingly. I could wish for more blooms. Many more blooms arrived in spring 2021 with the extra La Nina rain.
Paraserianthes lophantha – Cape Leeuwin Wattle or Plume Albizia
We planted this fast growing tree to 10m high, with fine bipinnate foliage and iridescent yellow-green toothbrush flowers, in January 2021. This plant is native to southwestern WA, from Fremantle to King George Sound. While it is strictly neither a wattle nor an albizia despite its common names, this tree has grown to 3m high and is flowering for the first time in April 2022. I have placed this plant in a very protected area with lots of sun, it has made it through one Canberra winter and I have high hopes that it will continue to cope.
Templetonia retusa (prostrate form) – Cockies Tongues
We planted one of these spreading shrubs, 1m high x 2m wide, with rounded green leaves and large red pea flowers in October 2010. These plants do well with sharp drainage, full sun to semi-shade, and the addition of some lime. Ben made three cuttings and these were planted in September 2015. This plant is native to coastal limestone strip of SA and WA, also Flinders Ranges, SA. These are the slowest plants to grow in the garden.
4 July 2022
Starting from the top left:
Acacia podalyriifolia
We planted this silvery grey tree, 6m high x 5m wide with rounded foliage, massed golden flowers and large grey pods, in February 2020. This plant is native to southeastern Queensland and northeastern NSW.
Banksia ericifolia ‘Little Eric’
We have planted five of this compact form of classic Australian native, which was one of the first plants to be domesticated and has been grown in the UK since late 18C, from 2019-2021. This cultivar, 2m high x 1.8m wide, has cylindrical red/orange flowers and fine green heath-like foliage.
Chamelaucium ‘Lady Stephanie’
We have been able to grow five cultivars of Chamelaucium in the garden, but have failed with five others, ‘My Sweet Sixteen’, ‘Sarah’s Delight’, uncinatum pink, ‘University’ and uncinatum ‘White Surprise’. Most of these did not grow or bloom well and were removed for failure to thrive. These plants do need overhead protection and well drained soils. A standout cultivar for us is ‘Lady Stephanie’ with white flowers with a red centre over many months.
Correa alba ‘St. Andrews White’
We have planted twelve of these vigorous shrubs, 0.5m x 0.8m. with shiny healthy foliage and white flowers. The recommendation was for a partly shaded site, but our plants are happy in full sun and frost.
Eremophila maculata orange form
We planted this spreading shrub, 2m high and wide, with orange flowers in September 2017.
Hakea francisciana ‘Pomonal Pink’
Hakea francisciana ‘Pomonal Pink’ is a grafted, tall woody shrub with narrow grey leaves and spectacular long pink brush flowers in winter and spring. This plant can eventually grow to 5m high and wide, but so far the one we planted in our garden, in September 2013, is 3m high and 2m wide, with an attractive oval shape. This plant first flowered for us in October 2014 and has continued to flower each year with more and more flowers. As this plant was such a success we bought another grafted specimen in November 2017, but this plant has turned to have green leaves, and so far, no flowers. It remains to be seen whether this plant will bloom with the same showy flowers.
5 July 2021
Starting from the top left:
Acacia denticulosa - Sandpaper Wattle
We have planted five of these erect, sparsely branched shrubs, height 3m x width 3m, over the years 2010-15, but only one remains. The thick elliptical phyllodes are toothed with a rasp like surface. Long golden ‘finger’ flowers appear in winter and spring. This plant is native to southwestern Western Australia and its status vulnerable. Our one successful plant is in a dry, protected position.
Eremophila ‘Mallee Lipstick’
We planted a group of 8 ‘Mallee Lipstick’, a cross between E. glabra and E. maculata, in 2014-5. These shrubs, 1m high and 1.5m wide, have grey green leaves and bright pink flowers over many months. They are very vigorous growers and benefit from pruning.
Boronia keysii
We planted this rare species of boronia from southeastern Queensland, height to 2m, with aromatic foliage and pink, star-shaped flowers, in November 2019. This plant was lost to science for 62 years then rediscovered in 1971.
Hakea francisciana ‘Pomonal Pink’
Hakea francisciana ‘Pomonal Pink’ is a grafted, tall woody shrub with narrow grey leaves and spectacular long pink brush flowers in winter and spring. This plant can eventually grow to 5m high and wide, but so far the one we planted in our garden, in September 2013, is 3m high and 2m wide, with an attractive oval shape. This plant first flowered for us in October 2014 and has continued to flower each year with more and more flowers. As this plant was such a success we bought another grafted specimen in November 2017, but this plant has turned to have green leaves, and so far, no flowers. It remains to be seen whether this plant will bloom with the same showy flowers.
Banksia spinulosa ‘Honey Pots’
We have planted ten of these shrubs, 0.5m high x 0.5m wide, with nectar rich, yellow-brown flowers from late summer through to spring. Our original shrub, planted in April 2006, has grown to 1.5m high and wide, much larger than advertised on the label.
Grevillea ‘Knockout’
Grevillea ‘Knockout’ is another Bywong Nursery selection that we planted in October 2017, February 2018 and August 2019. This small, 1m x 1m, plant has very dark green leaves and showy orange-yellow flowers.
12 July 2021
Starting from the top left:
Banksia ‘Yellow Wing’
We planted nine of these banksia hybrids in 2006, Banksia ‘Giant Candles’ x B. spinulosa (Carnarvon Gold) ‘Birdwire’. They form a rounded shrub, 1.5-1.8m x 1.5x1.8m wide, with fine dense foliage and many orange nectar-rich flowers. The flower spikes are held well above the foliage which attracts a range of nectar eating birds, and parrots love their seed.
Boronia crenulata ‘Pink Passion’
We planted ten of these small shrubs, with fresh green leaves and pink star flowers over a very long period., in August 2019 They seem impervious to frost, but do not like very hot weather.
Chamelaucium ‘Lady Stephanie’
We have been able to grow five cultivars of Chamelaucium in the garden, but have failed with five others, ‘My Sweet Sixteen’, ‘Sarah’s Delight’, uncinatum pink, ‘University’ and uncinatum ‘White Surprise’. Most of these did not grow or bloom well and were removed for failure to thrive. These plants do need overhead protection and well drained soils. A standout cultivar for us is ‘Lady Stephanie’ with white flowers with a red centre over many months.
Correa ‘Catie Bec’
We have planted six of these shrubs, 1m x 1.5m wide, with pretty pink flowers, over the period 2018-21. In our garden they need some overhead protection.
Correa ‘Ice Chimes’
We planted three of these compact shrub, height 0.75m x width 0.5m, with dense foliage and many white dainty bell flowers, in November 2019.
Eremophila cuneifolia - grafted
We planted this bushy shrub, 1.2-1.5m high, with many mauve/pink flowers, in February 2018 in a pot. Be careful to remove the shoots from the Myoporum rootstock. This plant is native to the Pilbara region, WA.
19 July 2021
Starting from the top left:
.Acacia ‘Bilby Blue’
We planted one of these shrubs, 3m x 3m, with grey green foliage and bright yellow ball flowers in April 2017.
Acacia boormanii
Correa ‘O.M.G.’
We planted five of these correas, 1.5m high and wide, with large red bell flowers, in March 2016. They were somewhat straggly shrubs at first, but responded very well to pruning.
Eremophila oldfieldii ssp. angustifolia x E. oppositifolia ‘Piccaninny Dawn’
We have planted three of these compact shrubs, 3m high x 3m wide, with dark grey leaves and rose pink flowers, in 2011, 2018 and 2020. This plant will grow in a variety of soils, is drought tolerant and is somewhat tolerant of frost. Our first plant died after -6 deg. C. frost in June 2012. We have placed the other two under more overhead protection and they are flowering well.
Eremophila ferricola ‘Tallering Peak’
We planted this spreading shrub, 1.5m high, with green flowers in May 2020. This plant is native to the region around Geraldton, WA.
Grevillea ‘Emma Charlotte’
We planted this hybrid grevillea, 0.5m high x 1m wide, a cross between G. rosmarinifolia and G. lanigera, in June 2008 The flowers are deep pink and attractive to birds.
26 July 2021
Starting at the top left:
Acacia ‘Bilby Blue’
We planted one of these shrubs, 3m x 3m, with grey green foliage and bright yellow ball flowers, in April 2017.
Adenanthos meissneri - Prostrate Woollybush
We planted three of these low spreading shrubs, 1.5m high x 2m wide, with grey green hairy foliage and small red tubular flowers, in February 2011. We have planted them under cover of Grevillea insignis, but the tops of these plants have been frosted off during several winters, but regenerate well.
Eremophila ferricola ‘Tallering Peak’
We planted this spreading shrub in a pot, 1.5m high, with bright green foliage and pale green flowers, in May 2020. This plant is native to the region around Geraldton, WA.
Grevillea ‘Carol Ann’
We have planted three Grevillea ‘Carol Ann’, a decumbent, hardy plant, 2 m wide, with dense dark green foliage and red spider flowers, the first in 2013, then two more in 2016. We have grown one to droop most effectively over a wall. These plants bloom generously for a very long period. This plant is a favourite for bees and a non-stop performer for us.
Grevillea oleoides
Grevillea oleoides is a robust plant that grows and blooms well. We planted two in March 2006 and both grew to about 2.5m and bloomed reliably each year with clusters of red flowers. These plants are native to a restricted area of New South Wales near Sydney, Blue Mountains and Wollongong. One plant eventually was removed in June 2016 and replaced.
Grevillea rosmarinifolia ‘Wright’
We planted four seedlings from cuttings made from a street grevillea, recommended to us by Pat and Warwick Wright, in February 2018. This shrub has bright green prickly leaves and pink and cream flowers over a long period.